YEAR200.TXT PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0 Write Image V2.1 GeoDOS 64 geoWrite V2.0 Empfaenger : /INTERNET/COMP.SYS.CBM (All) Absender : arca93 # @ 242:4900/99.0 (Arca93) Betreff : Year 2000 routine Datum : Mi 27.05.98, 06:18 (erhalten: 29.05.98) Groesse : 2455 Bytes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Here's a short ML routine for use in any program that needs to do a comparison of any year variable. Most of the clock chips used in the devices we use on our Commodores report the year using two digits. With the year 2000 approaching, this means those two digits will be "00". This can be a problem when comparing two dates, such as the date/time stamp in a GEOS directory or any other time related function. The year 00 should be treated as being later than the year 99. The easiest wayto do this is to move the zero starting point. For any software I write that deals with years, I always consider the year 1980 as zero and the year 2079 as 99. The following routine will adjust the value in the accumulator for me: AdjustYear: cmp #80 bcs 10$ adc #20 rts sbc #80 rts Now, if the accumulator was holding a 98, it will return holding an 18. If the routine was entered with the accumulator holding a 5 (the year 2005), then it would return holding a 25. A comparison could then be made between the 25 and the 18 to arrive at which year was later than the other as well as by how much. Also, if needed, the carry flag can be checked upon return from this routine. If the carry is clear, then the year is 2000 or higher. The same thing can be accomplished in BASIC with this subroutine: 100 IF A<80 THEN A=A+20:RETURN 110 A=A-20:RETURN Just GOSUB 100 with the variable A equal to the year to convert. As you can see, it takes very little code to patch into existing programs to fix the upcoming year comparison problem we might encounter with some software packages. -Maurice ****************************************************************** * * * * Maurice Randall's * Hi-Performance Software For * * Click Here Software Co. * Your Commodore Computer * * P.O. Box 606 * * * Charlotte MI 48813 * email: * * * BBS: (517) 322-2386 * * PH: (517) 543-5202 * * * * * ****************************************************************** --- FIDOGATE 4.2.9 * Origin: Fido.DE domain gateway (242:4900/99.0)